Grizzly bears advance the health of the ecosystem!
Submitted by tonyh on
I just read this cool article. It is about grizzlies and tidal marshes.
Submitted by tonyh on
I just read this cool article. It is about grizzlies and tidal marshes.
4. The eucalyptus groves in and around the Marsh, particularly those on Joice and Grizzly Islands, should not be disturbed.
3. Existing uses should continue in the upland grasslands and cultivated areas surrounding the critical habitats of the Suisun Marsh in order to protect the Marsh and preserve valuable marsh-related wildlife habitats. Where feasible, the value of the upland grasslands and cultivated lands as habitat for marsh-related wildlife should be enhanced.
2. The Marsh waterways, managed wetlands, tidal marshes, seasonal marshes, and lowland grasslands are critical habitats for marsh-related wildlife and are essential to the integrity of the Suisun Marsh. Therefore, these habitats deserve special protection.
1. The diversity of habitats in the Suisun Marsh and surrounding upland areas should be preserved and enhanced wherever possible to maintain the unique wildlife resource.
This is part of an ongoing monitoring project that the Biogeographic Data Branch of the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG), in collaboration with the Department of Water Resources and the DFG Water Branch, started in 1999 to track changes in the Suisun Marsh vegetation over time.
This is part of an ongoing monitoring project that the Biogeographic Data Branch of the California Department of Fish and Game (DFG), in collaboration with the Department of Water Resources and the DFG Water Branch, started in 1999 to track changes in the Suisun Marsh vegetation over time.