This service provides maps of tsunami flood hazard. The tsunami zones are based on consideration of local tsunami-generating sources offshore California’s coasts (earthquake faults and landslides), and distant sources around the Pacific Ocean rim. These zones are non-regulatory and currently include zones that are intended to provide guidance for emergency planning purposes only. Additional zones may be provided in the future that provide guidance for use in coastal land use and construction. More information is available from the California Geological Survey (http://www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs/geologic_hazards/Tsunami/Inundation_Maps/Pages/Statewide_Maps.aspx) and the California Emergency Management Agency (http://cms.calema.ca.gov/prep_tsunami.aspx)
This service provides maps of tsunami flood hazard. The tsunami zones are based on consideration of local tsunami-generating sources offshore California’s coasts (earthquake faults and landslides), and distant sources around the Pacific Ocean rim. These...